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How did you arrive at OOTQ? What path brought you here?  Unexperienced with performing live music.

This is my first time being in a band. I have a history in

percussion, educationally, but I had never picked up a

djembe until (around 6 months prior to) performing

with Michael, and at the time Mike Acoustic Music.


When you aren’t bringing the tunes with OOTQ – how and where are you working on other fronts? I work for the East Texas Crisis Center in Fundraising, and Education. I spend a lot of time in the community under each hat, and get to connect with people, hear their stories or experience, as well as raise awareness around the severity of violence in the East Texas community. I also work to try to be a positive influence for my son, who is 12 y/o, and is taking an interest in music.


How long have you been doing what you do? I’ve been playing djembe, hand percussion for about 3 years now (starting in 2012). I’ve been playing guitar

for around 2 years professionally.


What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for? Unique style of drumming. Keepin’ tha beat!


What are you passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make? Growing in my performances to provide better entertainment, and more enjoyment for the people we get to connect with through music. Learning from the experience we get out of each performance, and becoming more diverse. The music community (musicians & fans) in East Texas is wonderful, and I am very thankful to have the

opportunity to give back in any way I can.



What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about? Other than playing music, my work is my passion. I am honored to be able to work in a field that makes the contribution to society in the way it does. It is not so much a job, as it is a passion.


Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend your down time? I like to hang out with friends, as they’re my family here in Tyler. Spending time with my son or simply enjoying solitude in nature!


Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now? I grew up in Southeast Texas in a town named Vidor. I relocated to Tyler in 2005 after Hurricane Rita.


 How do you want to be remembered?  

As passionate and loving.



Time for some favorites for the fans,

tell us your top picks for :


Band: N/A

Song: N/A

Book: Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

Movie: N/A

Food: Mexican  

Season: Fall

Article of Clothing: Hoodie

Vacation Spot: Lake

Memory: The day my son was born


Anything else you’d like to tell the people out there? 

In a time of hurt, music can take away the pain.

J e r e m y

f l o w e r s

Photo: MG Photography

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