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How did you arrive at OOTQ? What path brought you here? Years of study of the craft and delivery of entertainment brought about the idea of music that lasts and lasts, and how to bring the music to people, and bring people to the music. The name “Out of the Question” speaks to the difficulties of this task as I continue on this journey.


When you aren’t bringing the tunes with OOTQ – how and where are you working on other fronts? I sing to and with my family (my daughter and my wife, and baby #2 on the way) I study and teach the Bible. I am also a certified  echocardiographer for a clinic in Tyler, Texas.


How long have you been doing what you do? I have been a singer-songwriter for a long time, but recently have over the past few years have begun to be a musician.


What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for? Versatility in vocals – I have been called a musical mockingbird.


What are you passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make? The inner connectivity with artists – and therefore people in general – it allows the entertainment environment, and manners in which we live our lives, to flow freer than just weekends. People look forward to music and art every day – not just Friday and Saturday nights. OOTQ serves as the bridge for that inner connectivity.



What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about? Jesus. My family.


Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend your down time? Spending time with family.


Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now? I moved around quite a bit and I am not through growing up.


How do you want to be remembered?  Accurately. No – kidding…sort of. But, I want to be remembered as a follower of Christ, and a person who could not help but sing about it.



Time for some favorites for the fans,

tell us your top picks for :


Band: I am still looking

Song: Maybe I’ll find that song when I find that band

Book: Bible

Movie: The Golden Child

Food: Salad

Season: Favorite colors in autumn, but spring is my favorite

Article of Clothing: Vintage V-Neck Tee

Vacation Spot: Australia

Memory: Helping deliver my daughter Paisley


Anything else you’d like to tell the people out there? 

I think music should be meaningful and people are precious.

Sound is the most destructive force known to man,

therefore we should take care how we communicate,

whether it be in song or in lyric.

M i c h a e l

g o n z a l e z

Photo: Jose Cordova

Photo: David Allen

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